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how many things can happen 

in just one year

to the body of a woman

who’s becoming a grown-up

plenty of things can go

both well and badly

balancing on a rope

between eternal and karmic

chasing aurora

cracking a rib

few northern lights

and then hell begins

in just one year

a body can go

through hell called rape

lock down its doors

the longest night

it can survive

with nicotine diet

soothing new scars

a body can be

exposed to many

reliving that hell

hoping to tame it

the sea can calm it

sunlight on eyelids

concert of waves

never got justice

the same one year

unplanned and weirdly

a body can feel

warmth of a new skin

poetry readings

facing deep cracks

not realising

some will come back

a body can be

basked in fake love

with silk pink scarf

getting ripped off

unbearable sadness

covered with new feelings

sex on a highway

was it ever even freeing?

disrespected again

it can crack once more

ending up alone

not knowing where to go

on a dusty road

miles and miles away

carrying shoes in one hand

broken heart in the chest

this was just a half

of a woman’s year

trapping herself sadly

chaining her own hands

when there is no place lower

a body might quite fast

lose a little skin

reveal its structured parts

it can take some weeks

for a woman to know

she’s been abused by someone

who promised to be her home

maybe in a few months

it sobers up from these

looping patterns of poems

pain stored underneath

by the end of the year

a woman might still freeze

whenever they ask for time 

or come too close for an inch

during dark winter nights

she might remain scared of

her own shadow that follows

wherever she actually goes

in just one year a woman

can learn so much through pain

not to shut up, but fight

dragging herself out of hell

she might as well find out

the power of people who

no matter how far from her

will never allow her to lose

in just one year a woman

might finally be able to

stand in front of a mirror

telling herself this truth:

you are the woman I have been waiting for my whole life


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